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Are we controlled by reason? Does passion dictate our motives and actions? What is the relation between the two – complimentary aspects of the self or warring faculties? This course examines these questions and others through engagement with the Western philosophical tradition. Through close readings of primary texts we will discuss the ways in which conceptions of reason and passion have shaped descriptions of morality, freedom, identity and selfhood in the past and present.
No prior knowledge required.
1. Introduction – Reason and Passion: What’s at stake?
Key themes of the course will be introduced and we will begin to articulate some of the central questions and problems related to the debate. We will be lead to consider why one might choose reason over passion, or passion over reason.
2. Plato
All of philosophy is a footnote to Plato. We begin by looking at an excerpt from the Phaedo where Plato discusses the mind-body dualism and argues passionately for the ruling nature of reason.
3. Aristotle
A student of Plato, we look at Aristotle’s discussion relating to self-control, deliberation, and the role the passions play in these individual endeavours.
4. Aquinas
Addressing questions of passion, reason, will and habit, Aquinas calls attention to the various facets which constitute the self. We will discuss whether Aquinas views these features of our natures as competing or complimentary.
5. Montaigne
Can there be any sure foundation for truth? Would this be found in reason or in passion? For Montaigne the answer is neither, thus reintroducing classical Greek and Roman scepticism and laying the foundation for the turn to modernity.
6. Descartes
Modern philosophy begins with Descartes’ famous pronouncement: Cogito ergo sum – I think therefore I am. We will discuss the ultimate elevation of reason which Descartes advances and explore the costs at which such a coronation comes.
7. Hume
“Reason is, and ought only to be the slave of the passions...” With one simple statement, Hume challenged the pre-eminence of reason and dismantled the sceptical argument. In having a positive role for passion in directing morals, Hume dared us to consider the driving forces behind our actions. This debate remains as relevant today as when Hume first raised it.
8. Kant
Examining Kant’s critical turn, for which Hume was the catalyst, we will examine his attempts to overcome the sceptical challenge through the promotion of reason.
9. Hamann
A fascinating and influential thinker, although largely unknown today, Hamann challenged the rationalism of the Enlightenment and called for a passionate, embodied philosophical perspective.
10. Contemporary Concerns
In our final week we will offer a summary of our findings and discuss recent discoveries in genetics and biology which are shaping our understanding of the self. These developments are challenging the traditional division between reason and passion.
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
Describe the key features of the debate between reason and passion;
Articulate the problems encountered when one is promoted at the expense of the other;
Understand the historical development of Western philosophy;
Evaluate the relevance of past debates to the problems facing the contemporary world.
Key readings for the course will be excerpts from the following primary sources, distributed in class for the following week. There is no required reading in advance of week 1:
Plato – The Republic
Aristotle - Ethics
Aquinas – Summa Theologiae
Montaigne – The Essays
Descartes – Meditations on First Philosophy
Hume – Treatise of Human Nature
Kant – Critique of Pure Reason
Hamann – Aesthetica in Nuce
Excerpts of key texts will be provided in advance of each class; lecture summaries will also be made available.
If you have questions regarding the course or enrolment, please contact COL Reception at Paterson's Land by email COL@ed.ac.uk or by phone 0131 650 4400.
If you have a disability, learning difficulty or health condition which may affect your studies, please let us know by ticking the 'specific support needs' box on your course application form. This will allow us to make appropriate adjustments in advance and in accordance with your rights under the Equality Act 2010. For more information please visit the Student Support section of our website.