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Discovering French Arts at National Galleries of Scotland 1

Course Times & Enrolment

This course is currently unavailable.

Course Summary

Discover first-hand a wide range of French visual arts by key artists from Clouet to Cézanne. Expand your visual skills and knowledge by looking at French visual arts from the distant Middle Ages to the end of the 1800s. This course is one of three introducing the range of French arts on display in the National Galleries of Scotland. French Arts 1 covers the period from medieval times to the late 1800s. Each class will take place among the National Galleries’ collections, allowing in-depth analysis and discussion in the presence of the art itself. Each week, the class will focus on a few works, giving space for detailed study alongside comparative discussion.

Please note, this course takes place in the Scottish National Gallery. Meet at the main information desk.

Course Details

Pre-requisites for enrolment


Content of Course

The course content will vary depending on the current displays in the National Galleries. The following list of artists considered during the course is indicative: 

1. Clouet
2. Poussin – Lorrain
3. Fragonard – Watteau
4. Boucher
5. Robert
6. Chardin – Greuze
7. Monet – Pissarro
8. Degas
9. Gauguin
10. Cezanne

Teaching method(s)

Each class will consist of an introductory lecture covering the artists/themes of the week followed by tutor-led discussion of the individual works. Students will be encouraged to participate in discussion, to develop their skills of visual reading and analysis, and of communicating their opinions and questions in an academic forum. 

Learning outcomes

On completion of this course, the student will be able to: 

  • Engage with original works of art in their gallery setting and context; 

  • Subject works of art to visual and comparative analysis; 

  • Understand and communicate background information on artists, periods, movements and styles. 



Core Readings


  • Clarke, Michael et al, 2000. Companion Guide to the National Gallery of Scotland. Edinburgh: Trustees of the National Gallery of Scotland. 


  • Honour, H. and Fleming, J., 2000. A World History of Art. 5th ed. London: Laurence King. 

  • Williams, R., 2009. Art Theory: An Historical Introduction, 2nd edition. London: Wiley-Blackwell. 



If you have questions regarding the course or enrolment, please contact COL Reception at Paterson's Land by email or by phone 0131 650 4400.

Student support

If you have a disability, learning difficulty or health condition which may affect your studies, please let us know by ticking the 'specific support needs' box on your course application form. This will allow us to make appropriate adjustments in advance and in accordance with your rights under the Equality Act 2010. For more information please visit the Student Support section of our website.