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Scotland’s Long 19th Century, 1815-1914: Issues, Ideas, Identities

Course Times & Enrolment

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Course Summary

This course will examine the key issues relating to the cultural, social, political and economic changes that took place in Scottish society between 1815 and 1914 and explore how Scottish identity changed during this period. We will review the effect both of external emigration and immigration to Scotland from Ireland and elsewhere.

Course Details

Pre-requisites for enrolment

No prior knowledge required.

Content of Course

1. Introduction – overview of the course.

2. Life and Politics in Victorian Scotland.

3. Immigration and Emigration – changing the nation, shaping the world.

4. The Second City – the Clyde and the World.

5. The remarkable world of Scottish medicine.

6. More than lads o’ pairts - Scottish education and its wider influence.

7. The Disruption and the Scottish missionary world.

8. The Scotswoman at home and abroad.

9. Common Sense - Science and ideas in Victorian Scotland.

10. Conclusion.

Teaching method(s)

Lecture based with class discussion.

Learning outcomes

By the end of this course, students should be able to:

  • Describe the historical factors which influenced the structure of Victorian Scottish society;

  • Understand the influence of some of the key ideas, institutions and individuals that made an impact on Victorian Scotland;

  • Explain the wider, non-domestic effect of these factors.


Core Readings


  • Devine, T.M., 1999. The Scottish Nation. London: Allen Lane.

  • Harper, M., 2002. Adventurers and Exiles. London: Profile.

  • Rubinstein, W.D., 1998. Britain’s Century; a political and social history, 1815-1905. London: Arnold.

  • Smout, T.C., 1986. A Century of the Scottish People, 1830-1950. London: Collins.


  • Brown, S.J. and Fry, M., 1993. Scotland in the Age of the Disruption. Edinburgh: EUP.

  • Davie, G., 1961. The Democratic Intellect. Edinburgh: EUP.

  • Dingwall, H.J., 2003. A History of Scottish Medicine. Edinburgh: EUP.

  • Finlay, R.J., 1997. A Partnership for Good? Scottish Politics and the Union since 1880. Edinburgh: John Donald.

  • Hoppen, K.T., 1998. The Mid Victorian Generation 1846-1886. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

  • Houghton, W.E., 1985. The Victorian Frame of Mind, 1830-1870. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.

  • Saunders, L.J., 1950. Scottish Democracy. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd.

Class Handouts

Handouts will be provided.


If you have questions regarding the course or enrolment, please contact COL Reception at Paterson's Land by email or by phone 0131 650 4400.

Student support

If you have a disability, learning difficulty or health condition which may affect your studies, please let us know by ticking the 'specific support needs' box on your course application form. This will allow us to make appropriate adjustments in advance and in accordance with your rights under the Equality Act 2010. For more information please visit the Student Support section of our website.